Penelitian Dosen

Penelitian Tahun 2022

NoJudul Penelitian
1International Short Course in Pictures: Utilizing Photovoice to Promote an Indonesian Student’s Intercultural Awareness
2Managing English Young Learners’ Classroom Activities through Gestures: A Multimodal Perspective
3Students’ Learning Engagement in an Online Academic Listening and Speaking Class: Insights from a State University in Indonesia
4An Insight of Anitales Apps Perceived by Digital Storytelling Students
5Teachers’ Digital Identity Management towards Their Current E-Professionalism: A Case in Indonesian EFL Context
6EFL Learners’ Motivation in English Camp Setting: Self-Determination Theory Perspective
7Analysis of Learners’ Oral Error: A Study In One-To-one EFL Classroom Interaction
8Using Haiku as Learning Reflection in Children’s Literature Class
9Unveiling an Indonesian EFL Student’s Self-Directed Listening Learning: A Narrative Inquiry
10Project-Based Learning in Online Speaking Class: Interesting or Boring?
11Indication of Gender Parity in the Indonesian Higher Education Institution: A Literature Study
12Cultural Adaptability in A Short-Term Study Abroad: Recounting Indonesian Students’ Experiences in Ireland
13Creating A Facilitative Anxiety Environment in an Instagram-Mediated Oral Assessment
14Being and Becoming A Woman Teacher: Struggling to the Indonesian Patriarchy Culture
15“I am exhausted, but I can’t quit”: A Language Teacher’s Coping Strategies in Dealing with Stress During Online Teaching
16“Sometimes I hide behind the Avatars”: Indonesian students’ virtual identity in social media
17Deciphering Tour Guides’ English Communicative Competence: Some Evidence from Indonesia
18Fostering Students’ Multimodal Communicative Competence through Genre-Based Multimodal Text Analysis
19An Indonesian Bilingual Child Development: Highlighting the Influential Factors and Strategies
20Teaching Indonesian for Foreigners Online: Pre-service English Teachers Constraints
21Integrating Smartphones in English to a Young Learner Classroom: An Indonesian Primary School Teacher’s Perception
22Whatsapp in the Indonesian Online EFL Learning Milieu: How Do the Students Engage?
23Maintaining Students’ Emotional Engagement amid Emergency Remote Teaching: Spotlighting the Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Perspectives
24Internet-Based Video Lesson on the Learner’s English Pronunciation: What the Research Reveals
25Sketching the Investigative Trends of Research Articles on the Deployment of English for Accounting: A Scientometric Study
26Cantik jika Kau Mengerti: Identitas Perempuan dalam Bahasa
27Demotivated Students during Online English Learning in COVID-19 Pandemic: Voices from Indonesian Students
28Discovering Students’ Cognitive Perspective on the Use of Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom
29English Speaking Anxiety among Indonesian Junior High school Learners: In Search of Causes and Solutions
30Designing and Developing Video as an Instructional Media in English Language Setting
31Exploring the Impact of Workshops and a Mini-Project in Student Teachers Becoming Qualitative Researchers
32Edukasi Gizi Serta Revitalisasi Permainan Tradisional Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Fisik Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Di Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru
33Initiation-Response-Feedback Pattern Used by Lecturer-Students in EFL Classroom Interaction
34Learners’ Perceptions on the Use of Oral Corrective Feedback in One-to-One EFL Classroom

Penelitian Tahun 2021

NoJudul Penelitian
1Teaching English Grammar in an Indonesian Junior High School
2Teacher’s Perception of Students’ Silence in EFL Classroom Context: A Case Study
3The Student’s English Language Learning Experiences: A Narration of Non-English Major College Student in Indonesia
4Representing Intersemiosis in An English Language Teaching Textbook: A Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Approach
5Students’ cognitive engagement during emergency remote teaching: Evidence from the Indonesian EFL milieu
6Attitudes towards Thai English: Indonesian Pre-service Teachers Lenses During Teaching Practicum in Thailand
7‘Another Place, Another Feeling’: Narrating the Emotional Geography of an Indonesian English Teacher
8Teaching writing to junior high school students: A focus on challenges and solutions
9Leveraging Skype-based Webinars as an English Language Learning Platform
10Student’s Identities in School Literacy Movement: Toward a Discursive Perspective for Literacy Education in Indonesia
11A Narrative Inquiry of an Indonesian Prospective Teacher’s Teaching Experiences: Probing Language Teaching Awareness
12The Use of Target Language in a Classroom: Focusing on an Indonesian EFL Teacher
13Early Language Development of a Child with Expressive Language Disorder: A Parents’ Narration
14The Teacher’s Emotional Management in Indonesian EFL Context
15Portfolio-Based Assessment in English Language Learning: Highlighting the Students’ Perceptions
16Delivering English Language Teaching Materials Through Hand Gestures: A View From Multimodal Perspective
17Investigating self-assessment as a platform of student-teacher’s reflection in EFL teaching practice
18Investigating Speaking Anxiety In Virtual World
19Teachers’ Perception of Parental Involvement of Primary Students: A Case Study in EYL Context
20Learner’s experience on the use of mobile device for autonomous listening: A narrative inquiry
21Optimizing LMS CANVAS for Interactive Online Learning Perceived by the Students
22Scrutinizing the Reasons for Using First Language in EFL Classrooms
23Pendidikan Anak pada Kondisi Darurat: Adaptasi Kurikulum pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
24Utilizing Canvas in Technology Enhanced Language Learning Classroom: A Case Study
25Video Conferencing on Canvas for Distance Learning during Covid-19 In Indonesian Context
26An Analysis of Learners’ Oral Errors: A Study in One-to-one EFL Classroom Interaction

Penelitian Tahun 2020

Penelitian Tahun 2019

No. Judul Penelitian
1Exploring Junior High School Students’ Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety
2Teacher’s Professional Identity and Its Authenticity: A Case Study in Indonesia Higher Education
3Narrating Students’ Identity to Promote Critical Language Awareness
4Digital Comic: An Innovation of Using Toondoo as Media Technology for Teaching English Short Story
5Portraying Learner’s Autonomy in Extensive Reading Classroom
6Analisis Penerjemahan Lirik Lagu “It’s My Life” Karya Bon Jovi Versi Tautan
7Students’ Present Condition in Implementing English for Hospitality Program
8Integrating ICT in English for Academic Purposes Materials through Task-Based Approach
9Reframing Intercultural Communicative COmpetence Echoed in the Indonesian EFL Learners’ Responding Texts: A Discursive Approach
10Profiling Learning Activities in Extensive Reading Course: A Case of Indonesian University Learners
11How Do I Write Poetry? Investigating Students’ Creativity in Writing Poetry
12The Role of Autonomy on Students’ Creativity in Writing Short Story: A Narrative Inquiry
13In or Out of A Classroom?: An Ecological Understanding of Foreign Language Creative Writing
14Student Teachers’ Engagement in Facebook-Assisted Peer Assessment in an Initial Teacher Education Context: Speaking 2.0
15A comparative Case Study of Poster Presentation and Classroom Presentation
16Investigating Collaborative Research Project in Indonesian Undergraduate Program: Benefits and Concerns
17Facebook as a Mediation of Peer Assessment: Exploring Challenges and Benefits in an EFL Speaking Classroom Setting
18The Quest Of Self-Directed Learning of Adult EFL Learners in Indonesian Higher Education Context
19 My Feelings: Undergraduate Students’ Emotional Responses towards Supervisors’ Written Corrective Feedback in Their Thesis Writing
20Workshop Penyusunan Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi Instruktur Lembaga Kursus Non Formal
21Poster Presentation: Undergraduate EFL Student’s Experience
22An Etnolinguistics Study: Developing Awareness and Responses of Local Wisdom in Tecahing English
23 The Challenges of Pedagogy and the Application of ICT in Applying English for Academic Purposes Course: Teachers’ Insights

Penelitian Tahun 2018

No. Judul Penelitian
1Falling into Culturist Trap: Practice of Othering in An Indonesian English Language Classroom
2Critical Semiotic Analysis of Students’ Poster Presentation in an Indonesian EFL Tertiary Context
3Falling into Culturist Trap: Practice of Othering in An Indonesian English Language Classroom
4Anchoring Students’ Critical Thinking through a Critical Discourse Approach: Discursive Strategies in a Language Classroom
5The Use Of TED and YOUTUBE in Extensive Listening Course: Exploring Possibilities of Autonomy Learning
6Target Situation Analysis in Implementation of English for Hospitality Specific Purposes Program
7Talk-Write: A Groundbreaking Technique for Shaping the Students’ Argumentative Writing Skills on Discussion Essays
8Utilizing Digital Writing Tools to Improve Argumentative Essays
9Flipped Learning In Listening Class: Best Practice Approaches and Implementation
10Students’ Creativity in Web-Writing 2.0: An Exploratory Case Study
11Investigating Young Learner’s Engagement in EFL Classroom
12Rethinking Full Day Schools in Indonesia: The Discursive Practices of Indonesian Newspaper
13Moves within the Literature Reviews and Discussion Sections of International Postgraduate Theses and Dissertation on ELT and Applied Linguistics
14Social Actors in an Intercultural Communication Classroom: A Discursive Lens of Intercultural Education
15Promoting speaking Spontaneity in Large Classes: An Action Research Study in An Indonesian EFL University Setting
16Investigating the Lecturers’ Scaffolding in an Indonesian Higher Education
17Investigating Collaborative Research Project in an Undergraduate Study: Challenges and Opportunities
18 Reading 2.0: The Use of Blog to Promote Learner’s Autonomy in Extensive Reading Classroom
19EFL Learners’ Reading Learning in Web Based Instruction Setting
20Changing Students’ Perception on Learning Extensive Listening through Youtube
21The Role of Extensive Listening in English Foreign Language (EFL) Class
22 Improving Students’ Oral Presentation Performance Through The Use Of Visual Media In Small Group Discussion

Penelitian Tahun 2017

No. Judul Penelitian
1Education Fiasco: Discursive Strategies of School Zone System in Tempo
2The Reflection of Pronunciation Teaching Materials: An Old Paradigm in a New Era
3Invigorating the EFL Students in Acquiring New Linguistic Knowledge: Language Learning through Projects
4Exploring the Use of Prezi as an Instructional Tool among English Language Teachers in Indonesia; A Narrative Perspective
5Prezi, Cloud-Based Presentation, for Teaching: How Is It Interesting?
6Teaching In 21st Century: Students-Teachers’ Perceptions of Technology Use in The Classroom
7Challenges and Practices of Using Toondoo in English Young Learners Classroom
8The Gap between Learning Needs and Its Implementation in English for Hospitality Specific Purposes
9Digital Writing Tools: Teaching Argumentative Essays beyond the Traditional Frontiers
10Role of Autonomy on Students’ Creativity in Writing Short Stories
11Story-Based Reading: An Explorative Case Study of Students’ Oral Responding in the EFL Classroom
12Peer Teaching in Students’ Writing Process
13Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis E-Learning untuk Guru-Guru KKM di Lingkungan Kemenag Kabupaten Tasikmalaya
14English Language Immersion Berbasis Kearifan Lokal bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar
15Cultural values Integration in English Language Learning for Indonesian Young Learners