No | Judul Penelitian |
1 | International Short Course in Pictures: Utilizing Photovoice to Promote an Indonesian Student’s Intercultural Awareness |
2 | Managing English Young Learners’ Classroom Activities through Gestures: A Multimodal Perspective |
3 | Students’ Learning Engagement in an Online Academic Listening and Speaking Class: Insights from a State University in Indonesia |
4 | An Insight of Anitales Apps Perceived by Digital Storytelling Students |
5 | Teachers’ Digital Identity Management towards Their Current E-Professionalism: A Case in Indonesian EFL Context |
6 | EFL Learners’ Motivation in English Camp Setting: Self-Determination Theory Perspective |
7 | Analysis of Learners’ Oral Error: A Study In One-To-one EFL Classroom Interaction |
8 | Using Haiku as Learning Reflection in Children’s Literature Class |
9 | Unveiling an Indonesian EFL Student’s Self-Directed Listening Learning: A Narrative Inquiry |
10 | Project-Based Learning in Online Speaking Class: Interesting or Boring? |
11 | Indication of Gender Parity in the Indonesian Higher Education Institution: A Literature Study |
12 | Cultural Adaptability in A Short-Term Study Abroad: Recounting Indonesian Students’ Experiences in Ireland |
13 | Creating A Facilitative Anxiety Environment in an Instagram-Mediated Oral Assessment |
14 | Being and Becoming A Woman Teacher: Struggling to the Indonesian Patriarchy Culture |
15 | “I am exhausted, but I can’t quit”: A Language Teacher’s Coping Strategies in Dealing with Stress During Online Teaching |
16 | “Sometimes I hide behind the Avatars”: Indonesian students’ virtual identity in social media |
17 | Deciphering Tour Guides’ English Communicative Competence: Some Evidence from Indonesia |
18 | Fostering Students’ Multimodal Communicative Competence through Genre-Based Multimodal Text Analysis |
19 | An Indonesian Bilingual Child Development: Highlighting the Influential Factors and Strategies |
20 | Teaching Indonesian for Foreigners Online: Pre-service English Teachers Constraints |
21 | Integrating Smartphones in English to a Young Learner Classroom: An Indonesian Primary School Teacher’s Perception |
22 | Whatsapp in the Indonesian Online EFL Learning Milieu: How Do the Students Engage? |
23 | Maintaining Students’ Emotional Engagement amid Emergency Remote Teaching: Spotlighting the Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Perspectives |
24 | Internet-Based Video Lesson on the Learner’s English Pronunciation: What the Research Reveals |
25 | Sketching the Investigative Trends of Research Articles on the Deployment of English for Accounting: A Scientometric Study |
26 | Cantik jika Kau Mengerti: Identitas Perempuan dalam Bahasa |
27 | Demotivated Students during Online English Learning in COVID-19 Pandemic: Voices from Indonesian Students |
28 | Discovering Students’ Cognitive Perspective on the Use of Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom |
29 | English Speaking Anxiety among Indonesian Junior High school Learners: In Search of Causes and Solutions |
30 | Designing and Developing Video as an Instructional Media in English Language Setting |
31 | Exploring the Impact of Workshops and a Mini-Project in Student Teachers Becoming Qualitative Researchers |
32 | Edukasi Gizi Serta Revitalisasi Permainan Tradisional Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Fisik Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Di Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru |
33 | Initiation-Response-Feedback Pattern Used by Lecturer-Students in EFL Classroom Interaction |
34 | Learners’ Perceptions on the Use of Oral Corrective Feedback in One-to-One EFL Classroom |